Safeguarding assurance letter
Slough Music Service is a department within Slough Borough Council within the People Children directorate.
We Can confirm that Slough Music Service is following the Department for Education’s Keeping children safe in Education guidance and recommendations.
Slough Borough Council is committed to ensuring safe recruitment and best practice to fulfil its safeguarding commitments to children, young people and vulnerable adults.
As a registered body of the Disclosure & Barring Service it is a requirement of the DBS’s Code of Practice that all registered bodies have written policies and guidelines to assist with the assessment of suitability of applicants for positions of trust.
These policies and guidelines will be subject to review as part of the ongoing development of the Council’s safeguarding commitments.
Slough Borough Council can confirm that the following checks are made but not limited to:
- Person identity checks
- Persons right to work in the UK.
- Person is not barred from regular activity relating to children in accordance with the Safeguarding vulnerable Groups Act
- Enhanced DBS
- Overseas checks were applicable.
- 2 references relating to previous employment
You are advised to confirm the identity of any person claiming to be on the staff of Slough Music Service. Employed staff all carry an Slough Borough Council identity badge, which shows their name and photograph, and in most cases their DBS number and expiry date. Self-employed staff will provid identification as well as DBS information.
Please note that Slough Music Service does not keep, and therefore cannot issue, copies of DBS certificates. This is in accordance with data protection legislation.
In accordance with OFSTED and SBC guidance, a copy of our safeguarding policy is freely available which gives details of our safeguarding procedures. This is adequate evidence that appropriate safeguarding measures are in place for music service staff. Our policy can be viewed and downloaded at:
Rebecca Richardson
Head of Slough Music Service